The best moderation system for your brand.

Generate engagement around your brand in a healthy format. On your website or any social network (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn...), we guarantee that your brand space is in a quality-focused environment.

+ More than 100 brands already trust us.

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Logora administration panel handling moderation for all your social
High-quality journalistic debate on Der Spiegel platform featuring a Macbook showcasing a captivating Der Spiegel debate space interface.
Le Telegramme Press Media Outlet - Vertrauenswürdige Quelle für Nachrichten, Kommentare und DebattenRTS Media Outlet Logo — Vertrauenswürdige Schweizer Nachrichten-, Rundfunk- und Analyseplattform mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von LogoraMilenio Media Outlet Logo — Mexikanische Nachrichten-, Analyse- und Diskussionsplattform auf unserem BeitragsbereichDer Spiegel Media Outlet Logo - Renowned German News Magazine with Automated Comment and Debate ModerationChallenges Media Outlet-Logo — Nachrichtenquelle für Wirtschaft, Wirtschaft und Führung auf unserer moderierten Kommentar- und DebattenplattformGala Media Outlet Logo — Nachrichtenquelle zu Unterhaltung, Prominenten und Lifestyle, bereitgestellt von unseren Diskussionsplattform
La DH Logo — Führender belgischer Pressetitel mit automatischer Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora für zuverlässige BerichterstattungL'Avenir-Logo — Renommierter belgischer Pressetitel mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora für vertrauenswürdige Nachrichten und Logo — Führende französische Nachrichtenagentur mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora für zeitnahe und zuverlässige InformationenEgora-Logo — Führendes französisches Medium für medizinisches Fachpersonal mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Diskussionsmoderation von Logora, das Expertenwissen und Neuigkeiten bietetSud-Ouest-Logo — Prominente französische Regionalmedien mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora, die lokale Nachrichten und Einblicke liefernCapital Logo — Führendes Wirtschaftsmedium mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora, das eingehende Finanzanalysen und Geschäftseinblicke bietetVoici Logo — Führende Quelle für Unterhaltungsmedien mit automatisierter Kommentar- und Debattenmoderation von Logora, die Neuigkeiten von Prominenten und exklusive Einblicke bietet

1 508 000

Comments / month


Success rate

< 1 minute

To moderate a comment

5 minutes

Time needed to reach us

Transparency and security


Reliable, transparent dashboard

Our dashboard lets you view statistics and moderate all user interactions, including usernames, descriptions, and comments. With full control and transparency, you can ensure a positive online experience for your community and check our moderation work.


For on-site and off-site

Our admin panel allows you to effectively moderate comments both on-site and off-site, all while providing real-time visibility. With seamless integration of your social media connectors, you can keep a watchful eye on the moderation process as it happens right before your eyes.


GDPR-Compliant User Data Enrichment

Our platform ensures 100% security and GDPR compliance, allowing you to enrich user data and meet readership expectations when publishing content on social media. You can confidently engage with your audience while safeguarding their privacy and enhancing their experience across all social media channels.

Discover our technology

Logora ensures a respectful and secure environment by thoroughly assessing contributions and eliminating any content that supports hate speech, violence, breaches privacy, or is defamatory or irrelevant.

Our proprietary algorithm swiftly evaluates contributions, prioritizing user privacy and taking a strong stance against personal attacks. In cases where the content's safety is in question, our algorithm flags it for our manual moderation team.

Alternatively, you can choose to let our algorithm fully manage moderation with a 95% success rate. We recommend using the algorithm for social networks and add our manual moderation team on your website for optimized accuracy.

Plus, to enhance user engagement and encourage thoughtful discourse, we highlight well-articulated arguments on your website.

Moderate this content (works for French)
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The best features to protect your reputation


Global reach

Our moderation solution works in 5 languages (French, English, Italian, Spanish and German) analyzing and categorizing comments with custom precision. We can moderate across several languages simultaneously, just as we have successfully implemented with our Swiss partners. 


Social listening

We provide statistics on engagement across your various social media channels, allowing you to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your online presence and marketing strategies effectively. This empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your online engagement to better meet your customers' needs.


Contextual analysis

Our service precisely targets message intent, identifies typos and spelling errors, and interprets emojis across multiple languages, ensuring nuanced understanding and maintaining the global diversity of your communities.


Trust & safety

Accredited by Europe's top law firms. We operate as a data processor within the framework of GDPR compliance. You retain full ownership and control over your data, ensuring you have complete authority over activities within your digital spaces.


Custom precision

You have the autonomy to determine the algorithm's strictness level and decide whether to integrate a human moderation component. All moderation processes are seamlessly handled by Logora. Moreover, you possess the flexibility to modify your configurations over time to best suit your evolving needs.


Dedicated dashboard

Everything is transparent and readily available via a dedicated admin dashboard. Here, you can assess our work, gather statistics, and even take matters into your own hands by moderating or highlighting messages yourself. This level of access ensures that you remain in full control over the tone and quality of the conversation on your platforms.

Common Inquiries

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